Representative Clients, Cases and Projects

In Newport, Rhode Island

The City of Newport

Attorney Girard Galvin has acted as a City Solicitor since 2008. From 2008-2016 he was the City’s prosecutor. From 2016 to present he has been City Solicitor for Civil Litigation, also overseeing City representation at board meetings and significant roles in labor relations including negotiating collective bargaining agreements and representing the City in grievances and arbitrations filed by union members. Attorney Galvin also handles all tax appeals filed against the City. **Girard Galvin’s current role prevents Galvin Law from representing private clients before City of Newport Boards. However, Galvin Law can and does continue to represent Newport clients in their other transactional and litigations needs.

Newport School Department

Attorney Neil Galvin represented the Newport School Committee for 35 years, concluding that representation in 2023. Through experience gained through that representation, Galvin Law has served a significant number of private clients vindicating their rights against other school districts.
Successful representation included appearances before the R.I. Dept. of Ed, R.I. Superior and Supreme Courts and U.S. District Court (R.I.)

Additional Newport Clients


In Middletown Rhode Island

  • middletown center : In Development. Attorney Galvin is leading the developer team in efforts to negotiate with the Town for a 100-year ground lease and permit a 15-acre development which will include a Hotel, 150 residential units, and significant retail space. This project will also incorporate municipal amenities and requires significant collaboration and cooperation with the Town staff and attorneys.

  • west house II: Complete. Girard Galvin represented Church Community Housing Corporation in the development of a 150-unit senior affordable housing complex. This project was achieved through the Comprehensive Permit process and has added significantly to the affordable housing stock in Middletown, Rhode Island.

  • newport car vaults: Complete. Girard Galvin represented the developer in the permitting of a unique high end car storage facility in a Middletown Rhode Island office park, over significant objection. This project required development plan approval, dimensional variances and a special use permit.

  • banknewport: Complete. Girard Galvin represented BankNewport in a multiphase redevelopment of BankNewport at Two Mile Corner in Middletown, Rhode Island. First, Attorney Galvin permitted the establishment of PTM Machines on site, and then the complete demolition of the Bank structure and secured permitting for the beautiful replacement structure.

  • polo center: Represented Client in obtaining Master Plan Approval for a mixed-use development including 60 residential units.

  • peabody beach: Represented client in permitting approval for complete renovation of beach clubhouse and other amenities.

  • gold’s liquor: Represented client in obtaining devolvement plan review approval.

  • newport minigolf: obtained Special Use Permit allowing client to build minigolf course and family entertainment center.

  • coddington tradesmans center: Petitioned the Town to change its Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance to allow for client’s project on Coddington Highway. Galvin Law has since obtained Master Plan approval for the project; remains in progress.

  • aquidneck acquisitions, LLC: represented client in bringing Newport Pickleball to the former Island Cinemas.

  • howland farms: Girard Galvin successfully defeated a master plan application to develop important farmland and open space off of Green End Avenue, allowing for the purchase and preservation of the property by the Aquidneck Island Land Trust.

  • Personal Injury: representation of client injured by in-home care workers resulting in $250,000 settlement.

In Portsmouth Rhode Island

  • Weaver Cove Development: Girard Galvin successfully petitioned the Town of Portsmouth Planning Board for Master Plan Approval in 2023 for the development of a Planned Marina Village at Weaver Cove including 400 residential units and a 350-slip marina, along with approved retail and commercial space. Attorney Galvin led the project through several levels of Town technical and design review. The project remains under development and will be a significant addition to the Town.
  • Ragged Island Brewery: Represented Ragged Island Brewery in the effort to purchase and develop their property on Bristol Ferry Road, Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Representation included petitioning the Town of Portsmouth to establish a new use in their zoning code. Girard Galvin successfully petitioned the Town to recognize the “Farm Brewery” use, which both encourages the preservation of farmland and allowed the Brewery by special use permit. Today the Brewery is flourishing and is one of the most popular businesses in Portsmouth.
  • portsmouth abbey: Girard Galvin represented the school before the Portsmouth Planning Board and Zoning Board to secure a special use permit allowing the construction of a modern Student Center.
  • carnegie abbey: Neil Galvin represented Peter de Savary and affiliates in the development of the Carnegie Abbey Golf Club in Portsmouth which was a championship 18 hole golf club with multi dwelling units. The project scanned 1997 to 2005 and involved all regulatory and land use permitting for the project including Portsmouth Planning and Zoning Boards, Portsmouth Town Council, CRMC. DEM, DOT and the State of RI. The project also involved the creation of multi dwelling units that were financeable with all lenders and title insurance companies.
  • personal injury: representation of a client in motorcycle accident caused by other driver resulting in seven figure settlement.

In Little Compton

  • Girard Galvin served as a backup solicitor in Little Compton for many years; advising the Town’s Planning Board, Zoning Board, and Town Council.
  • He has also represented several private property owners in litigation and in municipal matters.